Sayian Forms
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Sayian Info
On this page you'll see summaries of the different types of sayians.You'll also see what it takes to be a true sayian.Vote for me in Gogeta's Domain

This is the normal state of saiyan. It is characterized by black hair,eyes, and being born with a tail. The only surviving saiyans were Vegeta,Goku,Napa, and Radditz.
This is not really a saiyan level. It's a transformation that occurs when a saiyan, with a tail, looks at a full moon. The saiyan turns into a giant monkey and his power increases enormously.
This level is reached after long, hard, training. It takes a siyan beyond the limits of his regular form. The saiyan changes drastically in their physical and spirtual power. They have a state of nevousness in this level. Their physical apperance changes as well,now the saiyan appears to have green eyes and blonde hair.
Super Saiyan Level 2
Once a saiyan has reached this level, he increases his power enormously and also changes physically.The power,agility,and speed are equal with the spiritual force. In the physical aspect, the hair rises and is pushed back a bit.
Super Saiyan Level 3
This level breaks all the regular limits. This level is an enormous waste of energy. The physical aspect changes by an increase in size of the hair and a larger forehead.
Golden Oozaru
This transformation is much more powerful than the regular Oozaru. It occurs when a saiyan (with a tail) looks at a "full Earth" from the planet Plant. It is characterized by the increase in it's power and gold hair color.
Super Saiyan Level 4
This level definately takes the Saiyan's powere to unreachable limits. This level can only be reached for the first time by turning Golden Oozaru. The physical appearance changes alot. This level really ins't a Super Saiyan level, so the hair stays black and grows in width. The entire body is covered with red fur except for the chest area. the Saiyan also gets to keep his tail.