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Gohan is Goku's first son. After the Radditz battle Piccolo saw Gohan's hidden powers and trained him to help in the Saiyan Saga.Gohan also helped on Namek to get the dragonballs.He was the first to go SSJ2. He went SSJ2 in the Cell Saga.He did this because Cell was hurting his friends and family and he wanted it to stop. His arrogance cost him Trunk's life.He got mad and finished off Cell.Gohan married Videl and had a daughter named Pan.Gohan will always be welcome among the Z-Fighters.
Piccolo has been in all of the DB,DBZ, and DBGT seires. Piccolo is the strongest Namek on Earth, probably the strongest in the universe. He used to be enimies with Goku. But that changed and he started to admire Goku's strengh and loyalty and the became friends. Piccolo trained Gohan in the Sayian saga. He saw Gohans hidden powers and tried to release them so they could be of use. Later he became friends with Gohan, and around him is this only time he drops his gaurd. Gohan admires and likes Piccolo. He even dresses up like him sometimes. Piccolo will die for Goku and Gohan, as he proved in the Frezza and Sayian Saga. Piccolo is good friend and will all ways be loved.

Trunks is Vegeta and Bulma's son.Trunks is only half Saiyan. trunks has two forms:Future Trunks and Chibi Trunks.
Future Trunks is in his teens.Goku died of a heart diease and all the rest of the Z-Fighters lost to the Androids.Then the androids ran free and just did what they wanted. There only was Gohan to stand in there way. Gohan then became Trunks's master then got killed. Trunks found him and went ssj for the first time. He fiught them for a while then travled back in time.He saved the z-fighters, gave Goku the antidote, and left. When the andriods came in Goku's time he went back and helped fight them.

Chibi Trunks is the Trunks you see as a baby to an adult.He turned SSJ at a very young agehis best friend is Goten and they later learned to fuse to form Gotenks.

Tien is a very strong oppenent. Tien has many attacks, his most famous is the "Multi-form technique".Tien helps out when ever he can. In the battle verus Nappa, Tien went all out to fight Nappa(which lead to his death). Tien helped out in the Cell Saga aganist Cell Jr's. and many more battles. Tien's best friends is Chaozu. They go everywhere together. Tien will always be welcome among the Z-fighters.

Goku has two sons,Gohan and Goten. He was the first to go Super Sayian in 1000 years.Goku lives with his wife Chi-Chi in the mountains.With a pure heart, awakened by his anger,he can go SSJ,SSJ2,SSJ3,and SSJ4. He will always be good till the end and will do whatever it takes to protect his friends and family.

Vegeta is the prince of all Saiyans. Some how he managed to survive the fate of there planet. He used to be evil.He was foiled by Kakarot and was showed mercy. He then helped them on Namek during the Freeza Saga.Then he became good and fircely powerful.He and Kakarot were the only Saiyans to ever reach the SSJ4 state.Vegeta had a son with Bluma and his name was Trunks.Vegeta will stop at nothing to be the most powerful. He will also stop at nothing to protect the earth.